knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

This file records the clustering of sequence data for the manuscript "Reliable biodiversity metrics from co-occurence based post-clustering curation of amplicon data" using dbotu3. First a 0% (100%) OTU table is produced with VSEARCH.

This part can be run after the initial merging and demultiplexing of samples, documented in: A_Preparation_of_sequences.Rmd
NB: All markdown chuncks are set to "eval=FALSE". Change these accordingly. Also code blocks to be run outside R, has been #'ed out. Change this accordingly.

VSEARCH clustering of plant data

Bioinformatic tools necessary

Make sure that you have the following bioinformatic tools in your PATH
VSEARCH v.2.32 or later ( (see
dbotu3 (
BlastN - blastn v2.4.0+ (

Provided scripts

A number of scripts are provided with this manuscript. Place these in you /bin directory and make them executable with "chmod 755 SCRIPTNAME"" or place the scripts in the directory/directories where they should be executed (i.e. the analyses directory)

Analysis files

A number of files provided with this manuscript are necessary for the processing (they need to be placed in the analyses directory): This script parses the dereplicated sample wise fastafiles produced by the previous step (see Preparation_of_sequences.Rmd)

Make a 0% clustering table for use with bdotu3

# mkdir -p dbotu3
# cp S*.fas dbotu3 
# cd dbotu3
# bash

Now we have a table (VSEARCH_100.otutable) and a corresponding centroids file (VSEARCH_100.centroids).

Process the OTU table with dbotu3 using abundance criteion 0 (a=0)

# dt dbotuVS100
# python --dist 0.16 --abund 0 --log VSEARCH_100.log --output VSEARCH_100.otutable_dbotuprocessed0 VSEARCH_100.otutable VSEARCH_100.centroids

Process the OTU table with dbotu3 using abundance criteion 10 (a=10)

#dt dbotuVS100_2
#python --dist 0.16 --abund 10 --log VSEARCH_100_a10.log --output VSEARCH_100.otutable_dbotuprocesseda10 VSEARCH_100.otutable VSEARCH_100.centroids```

make the files ready for benchmarking against LULU

# mkdir -p dbotu_processing
# cp VSEARCH_100.otutable_dbotuprocessed0 dbotu_processing/
# cp VSEARCH_100.otutable_dbotuprocessed10 dbotu_processing/
# cp VSEARCH_100.centroids dbotu_processing/
# cd dbotu_processing

Setting directories and libraries etc

main_path <- getwd()
path <- file.path(main_path, "dbotu_processing")

Moving files to laptop

# scp p:data/Biowide/METHOD_PAPER/analyses_rerun/dbotu3/dbotu_processing/*dbotuprocessed* /Users/Tobias/Documents/BIOWIDE/BIOWIDE_MANUSCRIPTS/Alfa_diversity/analyses/dbotu_processing
# scp p:data/Biowide/METHOD_PAPER/analyses_rerun/dbotu3/dbotu_processing/VSEARCH_100.centroids /Users/Tobias/Documents/BIOWIDE/BIOWIDE_MANUSCRIPTS/Alfa_diversity/analyses/dbotu_processing

Getting the centroids

path <- file.path(main_path, "dbotu_processing")

read_centr <- file.path(path, "VSEARCH_100.centroids")
allcentroids <- read.csv(read_centr,sep='\t',header=F,
otusID <- seq(1,length(allcentroids$V1),2)
seqsID <- seq(2,length(allcentroids$V1),2)
otus <- allcentroids[otusID,]
seqs <- allcentroids[seqsID,]
otus <- gsub(">","",otus)
centroid_df <- data.frame(qseqid = otus, sequence = seqs)

centroid_tab <- file.path(path,"centroids_table_dbotu.txt")
{write.table(centroid_df, centroid_tab, sep="\t",quote=FALSE, col.names = NA)}

Extracting the curated OTU sequences:

centroid_tab <- file.path(path,"centroids_table_dbotu.txt")
centroid_df <- read.table(centroid_tab, sep="\t", header=TRUE,

#Extract for the a=0 run
tab_name <- file.path(path,"dbotu3_0.otutable")
dbotutable_a0 <- read.table(tab_name, sep="\t", header=TRUE,
tab_name <- file.path(path,"dbotu3_10.otutable")
dbotutable_a10 <- read.table(tab_name, sep="\t", header=TRUE,

all_centroids <- union(dbotutable_a0$OTU_ID,dbotutable_a10$OTU_ID)

ingroup_seqs <- centroid_df[which(centroid_df$qseqid %in% all_centroids),]

sinkname <- file.path(path, "dbotu3_all_centroids.txt")
for (i in seq(1:dim(ingroup_seqs)[1])){
  {header <- paste0(">",ingroup_seqs$qseqid[i],"\n")
   seqq <- paste0(ingroup_seqs$sequence[i],"\n")

Get Blasthits

#For a=0 run
# ~/bin/blastn -db nt -num_threads 50 -max_target_seqs 20 -outfmt '6 std qlen ssciname staxid' -out dbotu3_all.blasthits -qcov_hsp_perc 90 -perc_identity 80 -query dbotu3_all_centroids.txt

Moving blasthits files to laptop

# scp p:data/Biowide/METHOD_PAPER/analyses_rerun/dbotu3/dbotu_processing/dbotu3_all.blasthits /Users/Tobias/Documents/BIOWIDE/BIOWIDE_MANUSCRIPTS/Alfa_diversity/analyses/dbotu_processing
# scp p:data/Biowide/METHOD_PAPER/analyses_rerun/dbotu3/dbotu_processing/VSEARCH_100.centroids /Users/Tobias/Documents/BIOWIDE/BIOWIDE_MANUSCRIPTS/Alfa_diversity/analyses/dbotu_processing

Reading blasthits file

IDtable_name <- file.path(path,"dbotu3_all.blasthits")
names(IDtable) <- c("qseqid","sseqid","pident","length","mismatch","gapopen","qstart","qend","sstart","send","evalue","bitscore","qlen","ssciname","staxid")

Filter list of hits so it only contains the top hits for each OTU (top hits defined as the best hit and ~0.50% down, i.e from 100% down to more than 99.49%, or from 97.5% down to more than 96.9%, set by the variable "margin")

margin <- 0.51
new_IDtable <- IDtable[0,] # prepare filtered matchlist
ids <- names(table(IDtable$qseqid))
for (name in ids){
  print(paste0("progress: ", round(((i/o) * 100),0) ,"%")) # make a progressline
  test <- IDtable[which(IDtable$qseqid == name),] # select all lines for a query
  max <- max(test$pident)
  test <- test[which(test$pident > (max-margin)),] # select all lines for a query
  #These lines can be included if analysing a taxonomic group with a lot of
     #"unassigned" sequences in GenBank, to exclude those from further evaluation.
  #test2 <- test[!grepl("uncultured eukaryote",
  #          test$truncated_ssciname, = TRUE),] 
  #if (nrow(test2) > 1) {test <- test2}
  #test <- test[!grepl("Environmental",
  #          test$truncated_ssciname, = TRUE),]
  if (nrow(test) > 0 ) { test$string <- toString(names(table(test$ssciname))) }
  new_IDtable = rbind(new_IDtable,test) # add this row to the filtered IDtable

Now we have a filtered list with only top hits for each OTU/centroid. We need to calculate the most commonly applied taxonomic annotation for each.

Calculate the most commonly used taxonomic annotation (taxid) for each OTU

Mode <- function(x) {
  ux <- unique(x)
  ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]

# Apply function to blasthits
new_IDtable$majority_taxid <-  with(new_IDtable, ave(staxid, qseqid , FUN=Mode))
IDtable2 = new_IDtable[!duplicated(new_IDtable[c(1,17)]),]

Now our list only contain the most common taxid for each OTU. We need to get the full taxonomic affiliation to be able to sort at higher taxonomic levels.

Get full taxonomic path for each OTU

Get the taxonomic string (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) for each OTU (e.g. kViridiplantae;pStreptophyta;cLiliopsida;oPoales;fPoaceae;gAgrostis;s__Agrostis_vinealis). Using the r-package taxize.

all_staxids <- names(table(IDtable2$staxid)) # get all taxids for table
all_classifications <- list() # prepare list for taxize output
o=length(all_staxids) # number of taxids

Start_from <- 1 # change if loop needs to be restarted due to time-out

#Get ncbi classification of each entry
for (cl in Start_from:o){ # the taxize command "classification" can be run on 
  #the all_staxids vector in one line, but often there is
  #a timeout command, therefor this loop workaround.

  #make a progressline (indicating the index the loops needs to be
  #restarted from if it quits)
  print(paste0("processing: ", cl , " of ", o , " taxids")) 
  all_classifications[cl] <- classification(all_staxids[cl], db = "ncbi")

#Construct a taxonomic path from each classification
output <- data.frame(staxid=character(),taxpath=character(),
totalnames <- length(all_staxids)
for (curpart in seq(1:totalnames)){
  print(paste0("progress: ", round(((curpart/totalnames) 
                                    * 100),0) ,"%")) # make a progressline
  currenttaxon <- all_classifications[curpart][[1]]
  if ( ! {
    spec <- all_staxids[curpart]
    gen <- currenttaxon[which(currenttaxon$rank == "genus"),"name"]
    fam <- currenttaxon[which(currenttaxon$rank == "family"),"name"]
    ord <- currenttaxon[which(currenttaxon$rank == "order"),"name"]
    cla <- currenttaxon[which(currenttaxon$rank == "class"),"name"]
    phy <- currenttaxon[which(currenttaxon$rank == "phylum"),"name"]
    kin <- currenttaxon[which(currenttaxon$rank == "kingdom"),"name"]
    spe <- currenttaxon[which(currenttaxon$rank == "species"),"name"]
    currentpath <- gsub(" ", "_", 
    output[curpart,"staxid"] <-  spec # add row to the filtered IDtable
    output[curpart,"taxpath"] <-  currentpath # add row to the filtered IDtable

...this will give some warnings, which is OK

Merge the taxonomic string with the filtered hit list, and save the list

taxonomic_info <- merge(IDtable2,output,by = "staxid", all=TRUE)
tbname <- file.path(path,"Table_otu_taxonomy_dbotu.txt")
{write.table(taxonomic_info, tbname, sep="\t",quote=FALSE, col.names = NA)}

Now we have a table ("Table_otu_taxonomy.txt") with "full" taxonomic information for each OTU, that allows us to filter our OTU tables for ingroup.

Identify ingroup OTUs

Identify ingroup OTUs (plants) to match the reference dataset (keeping phylum Spermatophyta, but excluding a couple classes of "Bryophytes" and "Algae").

tbname <- file.path(path,"Table_otu_taxonomy_dbotu.txt")
# reads the table saved above. Alternatively just use 
#     the table in memory (table2 <- taxonomic_info)
table2 <- read.csv(tbname, sep ="\t", header=T, 
all_otus <- table2$qseqid
table2 <- table2[grepl("Streptophyta",table2$taxpath),] # retain Streptophyta
#discard not inventoried groups of Streptophyta
outgroups <- c("Chlorophyta","Sphagnopsida","Jungermanniopsida",
for (n in seq(1:length(outgroups))){
  table2 <- table2[!grepl(outgroups[n],table2$taxpath),]  
ingroup_otus <- table2$qseqid
outgroup_otus <- setdiff(all_otus,ingroup_otus)
tbname2 <- file.path(path,"Table_otu_taxonomy_plant_dbotu.txt")
ingr <- file.path(path,"ingroup_otus_RDS_dbotu")
outgr <- file.path(path,"outgroup_otus_RDS_dbotu")
#save table
{write.table(table2, tbname2, sep="\t",quote=FALSE, col.names = NA)}

#Split taxonomic string into levels for the OTU data
tab_name <- file.path(path,"Table_otu_taxonomy_plant_dbotu.txt")
otutaxonomy <- read.table(tab_name, sep="\t", header=TRUE,
otulevels <- str_split_fixed(otutaxonomy$taxpath, ";", 7)
otulevels <- gsub(".__","",otulevels)
otulevels <-
names(otulevels) <- c("kingdom","phylum","class","order","family","genus",
otutaxlevels <- cbind(otutaxonomy,otulevels)

tab_name <- file.path(path,"Table_otu_taxonomy_plant_levels_dbotu.txt")
{write.table(otutaxlevels, tab_name, sep="\t",quote=FALSE, col.names = NA)}

Now we have a table ("Table_otu_taxonomy.txt") with "full" taxonomic information for each plant-OTU. We also have a vector ("ingroup_otus") of ingroup (plant) OTUs to filter the OTU tables with. (The ingroup and outgroup vectors are also saved as RDS)

Filtering OTU tables to contain only ingroup taxa

Filter the OTU tables to only contain plants. Also keep only samples that do not represent negative controls, pcr controls, etc.

allFiles <- list.files(path)
allTabs <- allFiles[grepl("otutable$", allFiles)]
####allTabs <- allTabs[grepl("DADA2", allTabs)]
tab_names <- sort(as.vector(sapply(allTabs, function(x) strsplit(x, ".otutable")[[1]][1])))
read_tabs <- file.path(path, allTabs)
proc_tabs <- file.path(path, paste0(tab_names,".planttable"))
## Vector for filtering out controls, putting samples in right order, etc..
samples <- c("S001","S002","S003","S004","S005","S006","S007","S008","S067",
tab <- list()
keep_names <- list()
for(i in seq_along(read_tabs)) {
  tab[[i]] <- read.csv(read_tabs[i],sep='\t',header=T,,row.names = 1)
  ## setting rowname for SWARM tables where  name is in separate column
  if ("amplicon" %in% names(tab[[i]])) {  
    row.names(tab[[i]]) <- gsub(";size.*$","",tab[[i]]$amplicon)
  seq_names <- row.names(tab[[i]])
  keep_names[[i]] <- seq_names %in% ingroup_otus
  # constrain table to contain only ingroup OTUs and sample columns
  tab[[i]] <- tab[[i]][keep_names[[i]],samples] 
  {write.table(tab[[i]], proc_tabs[i], sep="\t",quote=FALSE, col.names = NA)}

Now we have a new set of tables (with the suffix "planttable") containing only OTUs matching plant taxa. We now need to reextract the representative OTU sequences (centroids) for each ingroup-table to match those OTUs kept.

For each of the OTU tables: Calculating the OTU richness plot wise. For each method/table calculate taxonomic redundancy, total OTU count, Number of unique taxonomic names, Number of taxonomic names which are also present in the observational data

allFiles <- list.files(path)
all_plTabs <- allFiles[grepl("planttable$", allFiles)]
#all_prTabs <- allFiles[grepl("planttable.luluprocessed$", allFiles)]
all_Tabs <-  c(all_plTabs) #,all_prTabs)
read_tabs <- file.path(path, all_Tabs)
# Vector for filtering, etc. at this step redundant, but included for safety
samples <- c("S001","S002","S003","S004","S005","S006","S007","S008","S067",

tab_name <- file.path(path,"Table_otu_taxonomy_plant_levels_dbotu.txt")
otutaxonomy <- read.table(tab_name, sep="\t", header=TRUE,

tab_name <- file.path(main_path,"Table_plants_2014_cleaned.txt")
Plant_data2014 <- read.table(tab_name, sep="\t", row.names = 1, header=TRUE,

Plant_richness <- colSums(Plant_data2014)
otu_richness <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 130, ncol = length(all_Tabs)))
names(otu_richness) <- all_Tabs
rel_redundancy <- vector()
total_otu <- vector()
mean_pident <- vector()
corcoeffs <- vector()
betadiversity <- vector()

lm_intercept <- vector()
lm_slope <- vector()
read_sum <- vector()
Num_otu_taxa_method <- vector()
otu_taxa_method <- list()
singleton_share  <- vector()
doubleton_share  <- vector()
ab_diss <- list()
pa_diss <- list()
##inserted until here

for(i in seq_along(read_tabs)) {
  tab <- read.csv(read_tabs[i],sep='\t',header=T,,row.names = 1) #read table
  tab <- tab[,samples] # order samples
  otu_richness[,i] = colSums(tab>0) # calculate plot wise richness
  amp_index <- row.names(tab) #OTU id's of current table
  reftaxindex <- which(otutaxonomy$qseqid %in% amp_index) # index of which OTUs are present in the current table

  perfect_match_index <- which(otutaxonomy$pident == 100 & otutaxonomy$qseqid %in% amp_index) # index of which OTUs are present in the current
  otu_taxa_method[[i]] <- names(table(otutaxonomy$species[perfect_match_index])) #Which species names have been identified in the current table
  Num_otu_taxa_method[i] <- length(otu_taxa_method[[i]]) # Number of plant species names
  ## until here

  mean_pident[[i]] <- mean(otutaxonomy$pident[reftaxindex]) # average genbank match %

  spec <- otutaxonomy$species[reftaxindex] # names of all OTUs
  redundancy <- sum((table(spec) -1)) # count of taxonomically redundant OTUs
  total_otu[i] <- nrow(tab)   #total number of OTUs present in the table
  betadiversity[i] <- total_otu[i]/mean(otu_richness[,i])
  rel_redundancy[i] <- redundancy/total_otu[i] #  relative redundancy
  # R^2 of linear regression of OTU richness vs plant richness
  corcoeffs[i] <- (cor(Plant_richness,otu_richness[,i]))^2
  lm_fit <- lm(otu_richness[,i]~ Plant_richness)
  lm_intercept[i] <- lm_fit$coefficients[1]
  lm_slope[i] <- lm_fit$coefficients[2]
  read_sum[i] <- sum(tab)

  #Inserted. community dissimilarity
  stable <- tab 
  trans_table <- t(stable)
  rowindex <- rowSums(trans_table) != 0
  trans_table <- trans_table[rowindex,]
  stand_table <- decostand(trans_table, "hellinger")
  ab_diss[[i]] <- vegdist(stand_table, method="bray", binary=FALSE)
  pa_diss[[i]] <- vegdist(stand_table, method="bray", binary=TRUE)
  #inserted until here

  tab2 <- tab
  tab2[tab2>1] <- 1
  singleton_share[i] <- sum(rowSums(tab2)==1)/total_otu[i]
  doubleton_share[i] <- sum(rowSums(tab2)==2)/total_otu[i]


p_table <- Plant_data2014
names(p_table) <- samples
trans_p_table <- t(p_table)
rowindex <- rowSums(trans_p_table) != 0
trans_p_table <- trans_p_table[rowindex,]
plant_pa_diss <- vegdist(trans_p_table, method="bray", binary=TRUE)

#MANTEL test for correlation with plant data on both presence absence (pa) tables and abundance tables (ab)
pa_vs_plant <- list() # Manteltest for plant data vd sequence data (pa)
ab_vs_plant <- list() # Manteltest for plant data vd sequence data (ab)
pa_vs_plant_statistic <- vector()  # Mantel statistic r (pa)
pa_vs_plant_signif <- vector() # significance level (pa)
ab_vs_plant_statistic <- vector() # Mantel statistic r (ab)
ab_vs_plant_signif <- vector() # significance level (ab)

for(i in 1:(length(read_tabs))) {
 pa_vs_plant[[i]] <- mantel(plant_pa_diss, pa_diss[[i]], method="pearson", permutations=999)
 pa_vs_plant_statistic[i] <- pa_vs_plant[[i]]$statistic
 pa_vs_plant_signif[i] <- pa_vs_plant[[i]]$signif
 ab_vs_plant[[i]] <- mantel(plant_pa_diss, ab_diss[[i]], method="pearson", permutations=999)
 ab_vs_plant_statistic[i] <- ab_vs_plant[[i]]$statistic
 ab_vs_plant_signif[i] <- ab_vs_plant[[i]]$signif

allFiles <- list.files(path)
all_plTabs <- allFiles[grepl("otutable$", allFiles)]
read_tabs <- file.path(path, all_plTabs)
tab_rc <- read.csv(read_tabs[1],sep='\t',header=T,,row.names = 1) #read table
sum(tab_rc) #6624089
tab_rc <- read.csv(read_tabs[2],sep='\t',header=T,,row.names = 1) #read table
sum(tab_rc) #6624089

#Synchronize names for methods, levels and curation state and 
#   collect table statistics in one table
method <- str_split_fixed(all_Tabs, "_", 3)[,1]
level <- str_split_fixed(all_Tabs, "_", 3)[,2]
level <- gsub(".planttable","",level)
level <- factor(level,levels = c("10", "0"))
#identify LULU curated tables

#Merge all results in one table
method_statistics <- data.frame(Method=method,Level=level,
                                Intercept = lm_intercept, Slope=lm_slope,
                                Total_readcount = read_sum, Taxa=Num_otu_taxa_method, 

tab_name <- file.path(path,"Table_method_statistics_dbotu.txt")
{write.table(method_statistics, tab_name, sep="\t",quote=FALSE, col.names = NA)}

Construct a full plant richness vs OTU richness table and synchronize names for methods, levels and curation state

# add Plant richness to OTU richness dataframe
richness_incl_obs <- cbind(Obs_richness=Plant_richness,otu_richness) 
total_richness_df <- gather(richness_incl_obs, key=Method, 

method <- str_split_fixed(total_richness_df$Method, "_", 3)[,1]
level <- str_split_fixed(total_richness_df$Method, "_", 3)[,2]
level <- gsub(".planttable","",level)

level <- factor(level,levels = c("10", "0"))
total_richness_df2 <- data.frame(Method=method,Level=level,

#save a long formatted table for ggplot
tab_name <- file.path(path,"Table_richness_calculations_long_dbotu.txt")
{write.table(total_richness_df2, tab_name, sep="\t",quote=FALSE, col.names = NA)}

#save a wide formatted table for overview
tab_name <- file.path(path,"Table_richness_calculations_wide_dbotu.txt")
{write.table(richness_incl_obs, tab_name, sep="\t",quote=FALSE, col.names = NA)}

formula <- y ~ x
#Plot full x/y plots
dbotu_onestep_plot <- ggplot(total_richness_df2, aes(x=Obs,y=OTU)) +
  geom_point(pch=21,size=1, alpha = 0.8) +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, linetype =2) +
  facet_grid(Method ~Level) +
  xlab("Plant richness") +
  ylab("OTU richness") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = F) +
  stat_poly_eq(geom = "label", 
               alpha = 0.5,aes(label = paste(..eq.label.., 
                                             ..rr.label.., sep = "~~~")), 
               formula = formula, label.x.npc = "left", 
               label.y.npc = "top", parse = TRUE, size = 3, label.size = NA) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") + theme_bw() + 
  theme(text = element_text(size=8))

namedbotu <- file.path(path,"dbotu_onestep_plotRDS")

tobiasgf/lulu documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 3:57 p.m.